jueves, marzo 31, 2011




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Pedimos que se suspenda por siempre el proyecto de exploración y explotación de oro "La Colosa", en Cajamarca, Tolima (Colombia), de la multinacional sudafricana Anglo Gold Ashanti, dadas las graves consecuencias ambientales y sociales que trae para nuestra región y para el país. Adjunto al presente correo se inserta el texto de la carta dirigido a las autoridades nacionales y al Procurador General de la Nación. En dicho documento se exponen los argumentos que sustentan las razones por las cuales debe prohibirse para siempre la posibilidad de esta explotación. Recomendamos a todos los amigos y amigas de Conciencia Ambiental una juiciosa lectura y, si lo consideran pertinente, proceder a firmar el texto.
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observatorio social y ambiental
ENVIAR A: quejas@procuraduria.gov.co

La Mina de Oro La Colosa, en Cajamarca, Tolima, Colombia, es considera la mina de Oro, mas Grande del Mundo.Con la explotacion de esta inmensa Area de Bosque de Niebla, perteneciente al desconocido Volcan Machin, pero considerado el volcan activo mas Peligroso que el Santa Elena en USA, se piensan con su perforacion a cielo abierto,tapar en Oro unos pocos y dejar en la Miseria parte del Planeta...

el proyecto minero "la colosa" esta ubicado en el municipio de cajamarca en zona de reserva forestal central segun la ley 2 de 1959, pretende ser explotado por la multinacional sudafricana Anglo Gold Ashanti de donde se estima se van a extraer mas de 12 millones de onzas de oro.

The gold deposit found by the mining company is located in a forest reserve created by a 1959 law. The area also holds significant water resources that are critical for the protected forestland, the region’s ecosystems and agricultural production.
According to critics, the intensive, open-pit mining activities that would be required to extract the gold would take a heavy toll on water resources and severely affect crops. Furthermore, the use of cyanide and other chemicals in the leaching process necessary to separate the gold metal from the rest of the minerals would pollute the groundwater.

"The history of the mining industry confirms that prostitution, drugs and alcohol spread wherever this activity develops," Frasser noted.

La Colosa is located 5.5 kilometers from the town limits of Cajamarca and 35 km west of Ibagué, the departmental capital.
The population of Cajamarca is about 25,000; mostly farm workers. A few are merchants, with shops around the central square, a required stop when traveling between Colombia's central and western regions due to its proximity to the Pan-American Highway.
The rural portion of Cajamarca municipality is approximately 500 square km that includes a range of mountain altitudes, where a variety of crops are grown, depending on the temperature: coffee, fruit and vegetables like arracacha (Arracacia xanthorriza), a tuber cultivated in colder soils.
Critics warn that agricultural development of the area is in danger if the authorities give the go-ahead to mining activities.
The Catholic organization Pax Christi Netherlands, lawmakers from across the political spectrum, the Attorney General's Office and the Ibagué environmental prosecutor Diego Alvarado have all joined in the campaign against mining in La Colosa.
At a public hearing held in February, Alvarado argued that "the gold of La Colosa is dispersed in the rocks, in concentrations of just a few grams per ton, which would require intensive, open-pit mining, with serious consequences for the region."
That mode of production requires extracting an enormous volume of rock, which then undergoes a chemical process of lixiviation to separate out the gold metal from the rest of the minerals.
"For the lixiviation they will use cyanide, which makes it impossible to believe that this activity could be compatible with soil use in areas that are forest preserve, if cyanide contaminates the groundwater," noted Alvarado.
A study conducted by U.S. hydrogeologist Robert Moran, hired by Pax Christi, estimated that the operation would need "one cubic meter of water per ton of ore processed per second" in order to separate out the gold.
According to Moran's report, if an estimated 20 to 30 million tons of ore is processed per year, it would require 630 to 950 million cubic meters of water annually, or 9 to 24 billion cubic meters of water over the life of the mine, which is projected to be 15 to 25 years.

That level of consumption would exhaust the water supplies that feed "the aqueduct for crops, with 400 kilometers of canals that irrigate rise, sorghum and cotton in the central and south of the department, and which supplies water to five municipal aqueducts," activist Paola Robayo, a forest engineering student at the University of Tolima, told Tierramérica.
The authorities will have to decide whether to cancel the exploration permit, and thus close off future exploration, or to change the status of the forest preserve in order to lift the environmental restrictions.
"We know the influence that AngloGold Ashanti has in highly corrupt countries like Colombia, which is why we wouldn't be surprised if they end up changing the legislation," said activist Campos.


leer o articolo enteiro A CORRIDA DO OURO NA COLOMBIA

Na região de Cauca, em Suarez, onde a Anglogold Ashanti tem forte presença, foram enviadas ameaças, em dezembro de 2009, ao representante sindical da Central Unitária dos Trabalhadores Colombianos (CUT), gerando um movimento de oposição à transnacional. No dia 13 de fevereiro de 2010, foi divulgado o assassinato, precedido de tortura, de Omar Alonso Restrepo e de seu irmão José de Jesus, conhecidos pela rejeição à presença da Anglogold Ashanti na região. Membros do comitê de ação comunal da localidade de Dorado, eles militavam em uma organização de mineradores artesanais e agricultores que, há anos, denuncia as devastações ambientais, econômicas e sociais das transnacionais. Em seguida, 26 organizações sociais assinaram um comunicado denunciando os assassinatos, destacando “a aliança macabra entre o governo e as multinacionais do ouro, como a Anglogold Ashanti” e a “militarização da região que possibilita a ação de grupos paramilitares14”.

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